Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What products can we consider?

Technology (Wireless access for teachers/students personal equipment, P.C. vs MAC, Laptop vs Desktop vs PDA vs iPOD, Smartboards, $299 Laptops,etc)
Software (instructional software, OSAPAC, Wiggleworks, etc)
Programs (e-learning, d-learning, collaborative space, social networking, Video Conferencing, Adobe Connects,Facebook, googledocs, podcasts, Youtube, wikis, blogs, video streaming)

PD (Face2Face, Video Conferencing, E-Learning, Captivates, Adobe Connects, video streaming)


brad said...

Right now, our group thinks we can't rule out any product or type of technology at this time.

brad said...

As well, we want to look at incorporating streaming video into the new library catalogue or on teacher websites.

Reading Guy said...

I setup Goolge Apps for Education in Feb. 2008. Here is a video of their thoughts on Google Apps. It has been a huge success.