Recent articles on technology indicate the move in the future is towards increased portability, wireless and cheaper devices to get onto the Internet (mini laptops and PDAs). Also there is a trend towards Cloud Computing (such as Google Apps) where application programs such as word processors and spreadsheets and documents are located on Internet servers - not on a computers hard drive. These trends not only improve learning but are a less expensive alternative to traditional computer workstations, hard wiring, software licencing and computer servers
"Cheaper laptops are part of the accelerating trend to greater portability. The cell phone is growing keyboards (or should they be called "thumb boards"?) and laptops are getting lighter and smaller. Meanwhile over-the-air Internet access is morphing from Wi-Fi to WiMax, as well as traveling over the same pathways as cell phones. These are the other components of cloud computing -- the wireless connections that define the cloud"
The following article is about program that uses mini laptops in a school:
"The laptop program has always been well received," South Meadows Principal Lisa Nickel said. "Once the novelty wears off for the kids, it is seen as a great learning tool. It does not replace great teaching, but rather enhances it."