Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How Do We Determine That a New Piece of Instructional Technology Is Effective?

Research from other districts?
Pilot projects?
It sounds cool?
How do we monitor effectiveness?
When Do We Review?


brad said...

We'd have to look at:
1. how often it's going to be used on a consistent basis;
2. how it can further the delivery of program;
3. how much training and support will be needed for the average teacher to use effectively in the program and can we afford to provide those supports or is that technology going to be left in the box;
4. can we cope with our issues of security and control to allow it to be used fully;
5. will it run effectively with our current hardware setup
6. find a way to integrate student/staff owned technology into our system;

Wilf said...

Not only does this involve research from many sources but also classroom experiences from staff and students.

Ron Plaizier said...

Before we pilot or trial a new piece of Instructional Technolgy (hardware or Software) do we need to define a consistent set of metrics that we measure and what should those metrics be?