Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Where Are We Today? (Inventory)

What Technology do we have in our system today?
What standards have we established, ie: ratios, what is supported, what is not.
What services do we offer? What supports do we have in place? What in-service do we provide?
What is working well, what do we need to fix, what should we abandon?

1 comment:

Ron Plaizier said...

Here's an extract of the powerpoint that I did with some of the key infrastructure points identified for your reference:

8000 Workstations , Windows XP (Dell PIII, PIV)
7200 – Classroom
800 – Administration
98 School Servers, Windows 2003, AD (Dell)
56 Corporate Servers, running
Windows 2003, 50 (Dell, IBM)
Alpha VMS – 2 (HP)

40,000+ Clients
Students, Teachers, EA’s Administrators, Secretaries, Custodians, Education Centre Staff

WAN Infrastructure Leased Fibre, 100mb
Dark Fibre, 100mb
Wireless, 24mb – 72mb
Lan Infrastructure
Nortel BPS , 100mb switched in all locations
Internet – 30mb PUC
– 100mb Orion/Cogent

10 Video Conferencing Sites
Apsley PS, Lakefield DSS, Crestwood SS, Norwood, DHS, Cambellford DHS, ENSS, Cobourg DCIE, Clarington SS, Clarke H.S., Education Centre
Movi – Mobile Video Conferencing
Adobe Connects
FirstClass Conferences

3 Teams
Technology Systems Team
- School and Admin Technology
- Data Centre
School Software Systems Team
- Classroom Application Support
- School Administration Support
Corporate Systems Team
- Corporate Applications Support
- Networks
- Telecommunications

Classroom Technology Standards

Classroom Computers (Dell)
5:1 Secondary Student to Computer ratio
7:1 Elementary Student to Computer ratio
10:1 Teacher to computer ratio
Library, e-Learning computers
Classroom Laptops (Dell)
Pilot Mobile Labs
No classroom ratio
Windows XP, OSAPAC (Ministry Licensed) Classroom Software, Corel Suite, Wiggleworks
Servers (Dell)
Printers (Dell/Lexmark)

Technology Refresh

Technology Refresh
Classroom Computers
6 year refresh
Every year 1/6 of the classroom computers are replaced
No refresh on school purchased computers
Classroom Laptops
4 year refresh on board purchased laptops
No refresh on school purchased laptops

What is not supported
Non board approved computers/printers/software
School purchased technology *
Mac Labs
Rogue wireless access
Student/Teacher home laptops
Student/Teacher PDA’s, Cell Phones, iPods